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100% din 13 impresii au apreciat Golful PersicOferte Golful Persic
Recomand pentru familiile cu copii,obligatoriu mancare full board,mancare și alcoolul este exagerat de scump! in timpul meselor aveți băuturi noon alcoolice incluse. Mancare pe plaja sau piscina, pe sistemul fast-food,băuturile scumpe. Nu există alcool la restaurant sau hotel
Un resort foarte frumos, curat, cu tot ce trebuie, mancare foarte buna, personal amabil, plaja curata, apa excelenta, chiar langa resort, am bifat si 2 excursii excelente (safari desert Dubai si una in Dubai) la preturi foarte bune, si care sa nu-ti ia prea mult din timpul de relaxare de la resort
Programul de divertisment mai slab comparativ cu alte destinatii in care am mers Ni s-a propus sa schimbam camera deluxe luata cu una premium, la un cost s-a dovedit a fi o mizerie de camera, si ne-am recuperat si banii, si camera...probabil ca ajungand foarte tarziu, dupa miezul noptii, s-au gandit cei de la receptie sa faca un ban in plus pe oboseala noastra Un alt minus a fost orarul de dus am pierdut o zi, ajungand dupa miezul noptii, zborul fiind dup-amiaza din Bucuresti, si avand si o ora intarziere, la intoarcere am pierdut inca cel putin jumatate de zi, plecand la 06.00 dimineata din hotel
Impresie despre Ras Al KhaimahCam departe de Dubai, dar avand in vedere infrastructura, se ajunge foarte rapid
Position close to airport (10min) and direct connected to a local mall where you can find supermarket, a few restaurants and shops. about 15-20 minutes to Ferrari, Seaworld and YaS Mall, it will be 30 dhs with taxi. at ground lvl is located a alcohol shop with good prices ( rarity in middle east ). the whole hotel looks neat, in good shape, and with careful maintenance. at least 6 fast and big elevators. all personal from front door, reception to restaurant and housekeeping is ready to help you in any situation and they are trying the best to accommodate you. Lifeguards are 100% focused at water and people. Service in restaurants and bars are all time sufficient. You will be asked to leave a guarantee at arrival, prepare 100$ or Euro in cash as you will receive it back exactly your bills at checkout. Spacious rooms and bathrooms, I really loved the towels from beach and bath too. Big beds, around 140x200, excellent mattress, maybe to soft pillows. air conditioning is also good. House keeping will come every day, it seems that will be diferent every time so you wanna leave a small tip day by day rather leave it in last day. Bring 1$ bills with you as tips are highly appreciated, or change on exchanges ( you can find one in the local mall near hotel ). the internet is working all around hotel, pool and beach at a good speed. For taxies you can install Careem app but it seems that are much cheaper taxies in front of the hotel/malls/etc. Bring UK adaptors from home for electricity plugs and ask help from reception as just one or two plugs from your room will support it. Meals in restaurants are at a very good level, you can find anytime 3-4 indian food, 3-4 asian, and the rest are always local (arabic) and continental for every taste. Large selection of sweets and good variety of fresh cut fruits.
Pool and beach opened at 08.00h, it s kind of late, for hot months was better to go earlier to the beach. Beach is not at sea, it s a channel, mostly a golf ( check maps 1st ). Very high prices at beach bar, ok, I am not talking about beer/wine but 6.5 euro Coca Cola, 8.3 euro an hotdog and so on. If you buy lunch/dinner it will include only water ( still/sparking ).
rixos ramane rixos
2 cafele si 2 ape 40usd...trebuie luat all incl
Impresie despre Abu Dhabimult mai mic ca dubai...dar si aici o saptamana nu te plictisesti
Piscina calda
Am rezervat pe direct booking cazare cu mic dejun iar voucherul a venit fara mic dejun
Familie cu copil - am petrecut o saptamana minunata.
toate serviciile de calitate
nisipul marii cam mlastinos
Hotelul arata ca unul de 2stele plus , geamul nu se deschide pentru a aerisi camera .
Impresie despre Abu DhabiOk
totul la superlativ
Impresie despre Abu Dhabiminunat
Mancarea buna, atmosfera , comportamentul personalului, divertismentul , per total un hotel in care te simti bine
Mobilier invechit , curatenia lasa de dorit in anumite zone, intretinerea spatiilor verzi
Impresie despre Ras Al KhaimahHotelul este situat pe o insula artificiala, departe de oras si de Dubai
totul a fost la superlativ. Mancarea excelenta si variata, curatenia in camera se facea in fiecare zi. Personalul super amabil. Langa piscine sunt o gramada de salvamari care chiar au grija de lumea din apa. anul asta ne intoarcem in acest loc minunat
Foarte ok hotelul camerele mari , baia mare luxoasa, raport pret-calitate excelent, mic dejun bun si diversificat foarte bine amplasat langa statie autobuz spre Dubai, mall vis-à-vis, aproape de plaja corniche care este foarte frumoasa , pentru noi a fost un sejur minunat